Final posting from Ukraine
Simferopol 8 December,
Hej, det har ar mitt sista meddelande fran Ukraina. I morgon tar jag flyget till Istanbul. Margareta - cykeln fick svetsas idag! Det har varit ett konstigt gnisslande ljud och jag tycker den har kannts konstig den senaste veckan. Jag trodde ljudet kom fran styret eller sadeln och den konstiga kanslan fran det nya bakhjulet. Men det var en spricka i ramen, och nar den blev lagad sa forsvann oljudet och cykeln kandes helt normal igen. Det gick mycket battre att cykla. Jag har last att en vek ram gor att man tappar mycket energi sa det ar nog inte bara psykologiskt att det gick battre att trampa. Svetsningen kostade 5 kronor.

I ovrigt sa tog jag mig fran Gurzuf till Simferopol idag, Forst cyklade jag 20 km till Alushta, sen "fuskade"jag och akte buss uppfor de varsta bergen. Det var da jag sag sprickan i ramen - nar jag satt och holl i cykeln pa bussen. Jag hade tankt att besoka nagra beromda marmorgrottor, men nu prioriterade jag att hitta en verkstad. Nar jag val hittade den sa fixade jag lite annat pa cykeln ocksa. Sen var klockan for mycket for marmorgrottorna, och inte hittade jag nagot hotel i bergen heller sa jag rullade vidare till Simferopol.

Here you see some of the highlands in Crimea, unfortunately you can see some garbish at the road side as well!
Today I went back from the South Coast to Simferopol from which I will take a flight to Istanbul tomorrow. I had planned to say up in the mountain, but something happened that made me change plans. I saw that there was a big crack in the frame of Margareta (see picture above). I have had the feeling that something was wrong with her for a week or so, but didn't find any problem, but today I saw it. This meant that my priorities changed and instead of trying to reach the marble caves in the mountains, I had to find a workshop that could weld the crack. Which I did, and I got it fixed for fifty Eurocent, and I took the opportunitiy to fix a few other small things as well. It was actually quite a difference after the crack was fixed.
So I progressed to Simferopol, where I have surveyd three different cafés. One of them was a really sophisticated African Speciality Coffee place, compared to them Starbucks and those guys look like amateurs. Unfortunately I didn't like at all when I started to take photos of the interior, so I can\t show you how fancy it was. They have a handful of cafés in Ukraine, but I think they could export their concept beacuse it was really cool. Of course I fear that in Sweden the cup would cost 10 Euro as opposed to 2 Euro in Simferopol.
Anyway, time for me to go and eat some place. My last picture from Crimea is of the special red Yalta onion. I have been told that it has a unique taste, and that even if you grow it somewhere else it will not taste the same. I get sick from eating onions so I have not tried them, but I have five in my bag and will bring to Turkey and perhaps home. People in Ukraine are not so very happy about having their picture taken, so the woman who sold them plainly refused to pose.

I have been on the road for eight weeks, I have quit using snus - the Swedish tobacco, I am quite fit I believe, I moved more than 2400 km by bicycle. That is more or less the same distance as from home to Rome by road.
I have said if before but it is worth repeating:
Ukraina is a country well worth visiting. There are many things to see - but they can be a bit hard to find!
Where to go will depend on your interest. You may get some ideas from my postings
In the off season many things are closed.
I don't think there are any reasons to be afraid for travelling in Ukraine. I think the risk of getting robbed or mugged is less than in most other countries.
People are very helpful and friendly
Food is interesting and hygiene seems to be satisfactory - at least I never got sick
Hotels are very varying in standard from very good to really shitty places. Relationship between price and quality is quite weak. But in most smaller towns there is simply only one place to stay - if any, so your choice is rather limited.
It is only in Kiev and Yalta and a few other toursit hot spots where you can count on people speaking English, but the more expensive hotels and restaurants you visit the bigger the chance. The knowledge of other foreign language is even more limited, but a few person speaks a bit German.
The tourist sector is not well developed and if you travel indepdently you need to see the fun side of problems, if you can't laugh about them go with an organised group tour.
If plan to travel independently, try to learn some Ukrainian or Russian first:; get some Ukrainian friend; or hire a Ukrainian interpretor for your trip.
If you go to "normal" places it is very cheap in Ukraine
If you go to the four-five star places in the few tourist hot spots it is not really so cheap anymore.
To go by bus or train is an interesting way to meet normal people and it is very, very cheap.
It is possible to go enjoy a bicycle vacation in Ukraine in November!
Hej, det har ar mitt sista meddelande fran Ukraina. I morgon tar jag flyget till Istanbul. Margareta - cykeln fick svetsas idag! Det har varit ett konstigt gnisslande ljud och jag tycker den har kannts konstig den senaste veckan. Jag trodde ljudet kom fran styret eller sadeln och den konstiga kanslan fran det nya bakhjulet. Men det var en spricka i ramen, och nar den blev lagad sa forsvann oljudet och cykeln kandes helt normal igen. Det gick mycket battre att cykla. Jag har last att en vek ram gor att man tappar mycket energi sa det ar nog inte bara psykologiskt att det gick battre att trampa. Svetsningen kostade 5 kronor.

I ovrigt sa tog jag mig fran Gurzuf till Simferopol idag, Forst cyklade jag 20 km till Alushta, sen "fuskade"jag och akte buss uppfor de varsta bergen. Det var da jag sag sprickan i ramen - nar jag satt och holl i cykeln pa bussen. Jag hade tankt att besoka nagra beromda marmorgrottor, men nu prioriterade jag att hitta en verkstad. Nar jag val hittade den sa fixade jag lite annat pa cykeln ocksa. Sen var klockan for mycket for marmorgrottorna, och inte hittade jag nagot hotel i bergen heller sa jag rullade vidare till Simferopol.

Here you see some of the highlands in Crimea, unfortunately you can see some garbish at the road side as well!
Today I went back from the South Coast to Simferopol from which I will take a flight to Istanbul tomorrow. I had planned to say up in the mountain, but something happened that made me change plans. I saw that there was a big crack in the frame of Margareta (see picture above). I have had the feeling that something was wrong with her for a week or so, but didn't find any problem, but today I saw it. This meant that my priorities changed and instead of trying to reach the marble caves in the mountains, I had to find a workshop that could weld the crack. Which I did, and I got it fixed for fifty Eurocent, and I took the opportunitiy to fix a few other small things as well. It was actually quite a difference after the crack was fixed.
So I progressed to Simferopol, where I have surveyd three different cafés. One of them was a really sophisticated African Speciality Coffee place, compared to them Starbucks and those guys look like amateurs. Unfortunately I didn't like at all when I started to take photos of the interior, so I can\t show you how fancy it was. They have a handful of cafés in Ukraine, but I think they could export their concept beacuse it was really cool. Of course I fear that in Sweden the cup would cost 10 Euro as opposed to 2 Euro in Simferopol.
Anyway, time for me to go and eat some place. My last picture from Crimea is of the special red Yalta onion. I have been told that it has a unique taste, and that even if you grow it somewhere else it will not taste the same. I get sick from eating onions so I have not tried them, but I have five in my bag and will bring to Turkey and perhaps home. People in Ukraine are not so very happy about having their picture taken, so the woman who sold them plainly refused to pose.

I have been on the road for eight weeks, I have quit using snus - the Swedish tobacco, I am quite fit I believe, I moved more than 2400 km by bicycle. That is more or less the same distance as from home to Rome by road.
I have said if before but it is worth repeating:
Ukraina is a country well worth visiting. There are many things to see - but they can be a bit hard to find!
Where to go will depend on your interest. You may get some ideas from my postings
In the off season many things are closed.
I don't think there are any reasons to be afraid for travelling in Ukraine. I think the risk of getting robbed or mugged is less than in most other countries.
People are very helpful and friendly
Food is interesting and hygiene seems to be satisfactory - at least I never got sick
Hotels are very varying in standard from very good to really shitty places. Relationship between price and quality is quite weak. But in most smaller towns there is simply only one place to stay - if any, so your choice is rather limited.
It is only in Kiev and Yalta and a few other toursit hot spots where you can count on people speaking English, but the more expensive hotels and restaurants you visit the bigger the chance. The knowledge of other foreign language is even more limited, but a few person speaks a bit German.
The tourist sector is not well developed and if you travel indepdently you need to see the fun side of problems, if you can't laugh about them go with an organised group tour.
If plan to travel independently, try to learn some Ukrainian or Russian first:; get some Ukrainian friend; or hire a Ukrainian interpretor for your trip.
If you go to "normal" places it is very cheap in Ukraine
If you go to the four-five star places in the few tourist hot spots it is not really so cheap anymore.
To go by bus or train is an interesting way to meet normal people and it is very, very cheap.
It is possible to go enjoy a bicycle vacation in Ukraine in November!
Postat av: xrgegerfef
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