Gender in Ukraine
Jag hade nog raknat med ett samhalle dar mannen var mer dominanta och kvinnorna undvikande. Men mitt (forvisso helt amatormassiga) intryck ar att kvinnorna verkar ta for sig. Man ser ganska manga kvinnor i ledande stallningar, tex premiarministern. Kvinnor man moter pa gatan verkar mindre radda and kvinnor i Sverige. En ensam kvinna i morkret ser inte orolig ut, byter inte sida av vagen eller pa annat satt signalerar att hon kanner sig hotad. Pa barerna ar det mycket tjejor och kvinnor som verkar ga ut tillsammans i grupper. Pa det mer chica kafeerna ar det definitivt en majoritet kvinnor. En baksida av jamlikheten ar kanske att det ar ganska manga kvinnliga alkolister pa parkbankarna och att kvinnor roker mycket (men det gor det ju i Sverige). Visst ar det en del reklam som ar sexistisk av en sort som inte skulle accepteras i Sverige - men inte varre an vad det ar i sag Italien.
My amateur view on gender issues in Ukraine is that it doesn't seem to be so bad. OK, there is quite some exist advertisments, but not more sexist than they are in e.g. Italy. Ukraine has a woman prime minister and a number of other leading women. Women I meet on the streets don't seem to be as afraid as women are Sweden. Even if they are alone and it is dark (street lights are either missing or very feeble in Ukraine) they don't look in the ground or change side of the street when you meet them. In bars and cafees there are plenty of women and they behave in a "emancipated" manner. In the chicer places almost all clients are women. One draw back with the equality is that women are also rather frequent as alcoholics on the park benches.

Young women taking each others' picture in Nikita Botanical Garden
My amateur view on gender issues in Ukraine is that it doesn't seem to be so bad. OK, there is quite some exist advertisments, but not more sexist than they are in e.g. Italy. Ukraine has a woman prime minister and a number of other leading women. Women I meet on the streets don't seem to be as afraid as women are Sweden. Even if they are alone and it is dark (street lights are either missing or very feeble in Ukraine) they don't look in the ground or change side of the street when you meet them. In bars and cafees there are plenty of women and they behave in a "emancipated" manner. In the chicer places almost all clients are women. One draw back with the equality is that women are also rather frequent as alcoholics on the park benches.

Young women taking each others' picture in Nikita Botanical Garden
Postat av: Lena