25 days: Half way - halva vagen 1314 km
Nu har jag nog cyklat halva vagen.
Totat ar jag uppe i 1314 km cyklad stracka. Jag har ju akt nagra kortare strackor tag ocksa. Fagelvagen fran Riga dit jag ar 950 km.
Jag raknar med att jag har cirka 1200 km till Jalta, kortaste vagen kanske bara 1000 km, men jag cyklar oftast inte de kortaste vagen
Totalt sa har jag suttit pa cykeln 83 timmar. De dagar jag cyklat sa har det varit mellan 4 och 6.5 timmar, snitt farm har varit mellan 14 och 18 km per timme raknat pa dagsetapper.
Maxfart 51 km i timmen.
Cykeln har hallit val. En ny kedja och tva stod har jag fatt kopa, annars bara smatt underhall som att dra at skruvar som skakat loss och smorja kedjan eller justetring av sadelhojd och styre.
Olflaskan ar Riga, pennan ar dar jag ar idag och vattenflaskan ar dit jag skall Jalta

The beer bottle is placed on Riga where I started cycling, the pen is where I am now and the water bottle is the target Jalta.
I estimate that I have done at least half of the cycling now. Total stretch on the bike is 1.314 KM and total time in the saddle is 83 hours (yes I did buy a new bike computer - of better quality...) Day trips vary from 50 to 110 km, most of them in the range of 65-85.
As the craw fly it is abut 950 km to Riga (1750 km to Paris or 1370 km to Rome). I am at the same latitiude as Zurich I believe, or thereabouts. I calculate about 1200 km to Jalta - that is not the shortest way but a realistic way, as I don't want to cycle a lot on high ways.
Bicycle is doing reeally well. Had to buy a new chain (the one on was probably the original one, i.e. as old as I am) and two rests. Otherwise just normal maintenance and adjustments.
I am also doing well. Proud that I keep off the tobacco. Don't think I either lost or gained weight, perhaps re-distributed some from "love-handles" to thighs and bottom. A bit lonely now and then - but I think that was part of the plan. Just bought a Ukrainian-English dictonary....
Amazingly it has not been hard to switch off the work related things. I have the occasional discussion with Kari or Kolbjorn about some issues but really nothing that keeps my mind spinning at night.... I sleep at least nine hours most nights!!!!!
On the way to Jalta I plan to make breaks and take bus or trains in various directions, starting tomorrow when I will go up in the mountain range, the Carpathians. Later on I guess I will travel to Kiev, perhaps Cernobyl and Oddessa. We will see. It depends mainly on the weather. So far it has been fairly mild, but today winds had a markedly winterly feeling.
Thanks for reading me!
Totat ar jag uppe i 1314 km cyklad stracka. Jag har ju akt nagra kortare strackor tag ocksa. Fagelvagen fran Riga dit jag ar 950 km.
Jag raknar med att jag har cirka 1200 km till Jalta, kortaste vagen kanske bara 1000 km, men jag cyklar oftast inte de kortaste vagen
Totalt sa har jag suttit pa cykeln 83 timmar. De dagar jag cyklat sa har det varit mellan 4 och 6.5 timmar, snitt farm har varit mellan 14 och 18 km per timme raknat pa dagsetapper.
Maxfart 51 km i timmen.
Cykeln har hallit val. En ny kedja och tva stod har jag fatt kopa, annars bara smatt underhall som att dra at skruvar som skakat loss och smorja kedjan eller justetring av sadelhojd och styre.
Olflaskan ar Riga, pennan ar dar jag ar idag och vattenflaskan ar dit jag skall Jalta

The beer bottle is placed on Riga where I started cycling, the pen is where I am now and the water bottle is the target Jalta.
I estimate that I have done at least half of the cycling now. Total stretch on the bike is 1.314 KM and total time in the saddle is 83 hours (yes I did buy a new bike computer - of better quality...) Day trips vary from 50 to 110 km, most of them in the range of 65-85.
As the craw fly it is abut 950 km to Riga (1750 km to Paris or 1370 km to Rome). I am at the same latitiude as Zurich I believe, or thereabouts. I calculate about 1200 km to Jalta - that is not the shortest way but a realistic way, as I don't want to cycle a lot on high ways.
Bicycle is doing reeally well. Had to buy a new chain (the one on was probably the original one, i.e. as old as I am) and two rests. Otherwise just normal maintenance and adjustments.
I am also doing well. Proud that I keep off the tobacco. Don't think I either lost or gained weight, perhaps re-distributed some from "love-handles" to thighs and bottom. A bit lonely now and then - but I think that was part of the plan. Just bought a Ukrainian-English dictonary....
Amazingly it has not been hard to switch off the work related things. I have the occasional discussion with Kari or Kolbjorn about some issues but really nothing that keeps my mind spinning at night.... I sleep at least nine hours most nights!!!!!
On the way to Jalta I plan to make breaks and take bus or trains in various directions, starting tomorrow when I will go up in the mountain range, the Carpathians. Later on I guess I will travel to Kiev, perhaps Cernobyl and Oddessa. We will see. It depends mainly on the weather. So far it has been fairly mild, but today winds had a markedly winterly feeling.
Thanks for reading me!
Postat av: Maria
привіт велосипедист
hej cyklist!
jag är imponerad att det är så snygg form på kartan på bilden - har du klippt sönder den så att den ska vara superlätt?
hej svejs!
Postat av: nils
maxfart 51km i timmen? måste ha varit en ruskig nerförsbacke! o på dom vägarna! cykelhjälm på rekommenderar nils och hela säkerhetssverige!
Postat av: kari
Gillar ölflaskan, pennan o vattenflaskan, bra ide, och långt har du cucklat. Vilken fart du har.
Postat av: Gunnar
Jo jag har faktiskt klippt sonder kartan for att spara pa vikten!!!!
Postat av: Anonym