Collective transportation

A nic bus stop with mosaic - could be a lot nicer without the garbage.

Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine have a good collective transportation network with busses and trains, in cities also trolley buses and trams. I really hope that they will invest in this infrastructure (it does need quite some investments as some of it looks rather run down) and not go down the same path as most Western countries. Cimate change, pollution, increasing oil price and a poor population make up good arguments for collective transports.

However I note that he petrol is around 60 Eurocents.

Postat av: kari

vanliga bokstäver på skylten, ser fram mot berättelse och bilder från bergen! puss

2008-11-09 @ 14:03:56
Postat av: gunne

Jo vanliga bokstaver men det star Viktoriv. Det ar minst lika stokigt med vanliga bokstaver som motsvarar en annan bokstav an de helt annorlunda bokstaverna. Dar blir man inte lurad

2008-11-12 @ 16:35:17
Postat av: Alina

Hoppas du får en trevlig kväll! :)

2008-11-12 @ 16:37:45

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