
So there is death camp tourism. I also realise that there is nuclear disaster tourism. I had planned to visit Chernobyl and realise that that is not at all an original idea. It is actually a bit tricky and you need special permits from the government, so in the end you almost have to go through an  agency which I now have. The 18th November I will spend a day in Chernobyl in a group of three with English speaking guide. Will be interesting, even if I am sure it will be depressing. This is actually the first planning ahead I have done during this trip, but it was neeeded. So it means I have to be in Kiev the evening of the 17th. Will see how I will manage that. Of course I will also take the oppportunity to stay a day or two in Kiev and look at the place.

Postat av: kari

well well, might be very depressing. We will see pictures I presume. So you will go to Kiev, by train or bike?

2008-11-13 @ 13:36:17
Postat av: Marica

What makes people wanting to see those depressing places? Will it give you some new kind of understanding? Or inspiration to fight against the madness of the world? Is it necessary to see it with your own eyes, to really believe it happened?

I don't know. But I hope it will give you something more than "depression".

2008-11-13 @ 19:43:18
URL: http://[email protected]

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