Taking care of Margareta

I have not been really happy with the feel of the chain and/or the back bearings or cogwheels. But I needed somebody to help me. I went to a bike shop in Augsutow, but the guy in charge gave me no confidence. This morning I found a couple running a bike repair shop that was really good and we went through the things and changed the chain. Now it feels very good. I also bought the third rest as two have already crashed, my load is a bit too heavy I guess. This one is sturdy and I hope it will last. Now I will eat lunch and then I will try the train for a change - feel lazy today. In total I have done 825 km, which is perhaps a bit less than a third of the planned trip. Ciao.

Postat av: kari

Margareta is a bit old, but I think she will make it the way to Crim

2008-10-28 @ 09:20:48

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