The Bike!
Sorry for ranting here. Coming back to my fifty year old bike: I did buy a bike computer for 7 Euros in Sweden. I knew it was stupid, but it was so little money anyway so who cares?...? And of course it lasted only a week. I throw it away. I think the bike and that computer represents they high of industrialism and the low of consumerism. Some fifty years ago, most industrial companies produced stuff that lasted. And at that time they were managed by engineers and NOT by economists or their cousins marketing people. It is hard to know who to blame. Since then we have had the consumer revolution (which meant that the old idea that you could get any Ford as long as it was black has been transformed into the idea that you can get it in two million versions - if Ford still exist of course, I am a bit off-line from the news flow here), and supposedly consumers are driving this development for cheaper, louysy stuff. Clearly there are unfortunately an inherenent consumer behaviour to look for bargains, for cheaper price etc..... But who is really to blame for this development. Why should our societies which are just getting richer and richer make worse and worse products? More to come on this I believe, but I also welcome any comments on this. Where has quality gone?
It is not one answer to this, first I have always been wondering what makes people eager to own more, consume more. It is easier to understand the drive to devlop new things, on one hand, but on the other peolpe tends to develop things that we do not really need, or even worse develop things are bad, I have been thinking that there are too little thinking about what will my idea leed too, what will the result be for the future. Have thought this I do belive that a lot of development is just about power, and then we come into a new line; power.
Och det lustiga är att samtidigt blinkar en annons på din blogg "CHIC - din nya snygga succétidning om shopping. 5 nr för 89:-, prenumerera nu". Jag vet att det inte är du som styr det där. Men det blir liksom en kommentar till alltihop. Tom den som manar tiull eftertanke är lite kidnappad av konsumismen.