Bicycle in trains and internet

Bicycle in trains and internet The regional trains in Italy do take bicycles. The draw back is that if you want to go longer distances you will have to change train often as the long-distance trains are not regional trains. Another problem is the loading and off-loading of the bicycles. There are special rooms for the bicycle, the doors are locked and you have to chase up the train attendants, and then the locks are jammed or the doors are jammed. When you finally have the door open you have delayed the train. Then the opening is very high and it is very difficult to get your bicycle inside without damaging it, and the same applies when you want to offload it.

It has been surprisingly difficult to get internet access in Italy so far. Surprisingly it was much easier both in Turkey and Greece. At this very moment I sit in an internet café. They have wireless, but they refused to give me the password as they had to reset the whole system afterwards they said! They have two computers with cable which means I have to sit and wait. Most hotels don’t have and those that have seem to charge for it. I can access internet via my cell phone – Italians are advanced when it comes to mobile phones, but my experiences regarding the costs have been bad in other countries and it is virtually impossible to get to know the costs.


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