
Utsikt från min balkong
View from my balcony at Kosta Pallace hotel in Kos where I stayed 13-15 March.

Temple, baths etc for medicinal purposes

I went to a very nice beach where there were natural hot springs. You just dug a hole in the sand and there was water of 40 degrees. Very nice. I was all alone on that beach.

One of the few trees that have survived the goats!!

Entrance to the old square in the middle of Kos. I have never seen a bougainvillea as big as this one. It has just started to "flower". Another three weeks and it will be totally overwhelming!!!
The City of Kos
Postat av: Sanna
Hoppas du har en bra dag.
Spana gärna in min blogg och lämna en kommentar :)
Postat av: Lena
det ser fint ut! :)
Postat av: Johan C
OK. Blir lite sotis.